Kumi Hospital is a Private Not For Profit (PNFP) facility located in eastern Uganda, 300km from Kampala. It is a rural hospital which transformed from a leprosy centre to a general hospital in 1997.

The aim of Friends of Kumi Hospital is to provide aid for the development and support of Kumi Hospital as a whole. The objectives are to do this through assistance with funding for:

  • Development of infrastructure of the hospital
  • Medical equipment for the hospital
  • Training and continuous education of national staff
  • Facilitating links with visiting clinicians
  • Projects to raise the profile of the hospital as ‘A Place of Excellence in Rehabilitation Medicine and Disability Care’
  • Projects aimed at the local community in health education and community based rehabilitation (CBR)

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There is only one doctor in Uganda for every 20,000 patients. On average, a single medical officer in a district hospital sees 100 patients per day in addition to attending to emergencies on a 24 hour basis. A job that is meant for 3-4 doctors is carried out by one person.


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 You can help us support the Hospital providing essential care to the poor and disadvantaged families in this rural community, by following us on Twitter and Facebook and share our posts to spread the word #HealthForAll #ForEveryChild #KumiHospital

United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report 2002 for Uganda

  • Population 23.3 million
  • Life Expectancy 44 years
  • Income per capita: $1,208
  • Under nourished people: 25%
  • Health expenditure per person: $18
  • People living with HIV/AIDS: 5%


Health workers not to blame for Uganda’s poor healthcare

The Observer – Francis Kiwewa

20th May 2009



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© 2012 friendsofkumihospital.org

Registered Charity No: 1126962